Green Schools

Green Schools’ Programme:
In St. Cremin’s N.S. we care greatly about environmental issues and as a result we are part of An Taisce's Green School Programme. Our aim is to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of the school. These efforts are awarded through An Taisce’s green flags for schools. To date we have been awarded 5 green flags for our school on the following themes:
- Litter and Waste:
Paper recycling bins (blue): A recycling bin for paper is placed in the staff-room, office and in each classroom to ensure that any waste paper will be recycled.
Litter bins -general rubbish (white): A general litter bin is placed in the staff-room and in each classroom to cater for the disposal of normal classroom waste. This is emptied on a daily basis.
Compost bins (black): The staff-room and each classroom has a compost bin for fruit peelings, cores and other organic waste.
Other recycling initiatives: Batteries (WEEE), old clothes annual spring
collection (‘Cash for Clobber’), (“Reduce, reuse, recycle”). - Energy:
Lighting within the school is generally cost effective and environmentally friendly, fluorescent types are used in all classrooms.
A pupil in each class may be assigned the task of switching off the lights at break times and before going home in the evening. (“Do it right turn off the light, don’t let the energy bill give you a fright”). - Water:
Pupils are reminded about the benefits of water conservation.
Taps are turned off promptly after use when washing up after art etc. (“Save water, every day every way”). - Travel
We encourage our pupils to walk to school during ‘National Walk to School Week’ which is an annual event during the month of May. We also encourage walking to school during ‘Active Schools Week’. (“Ag siúl saves fuel”). - Biodiversity
Pupils are given opportunities to learn about the importance of biodiversity in the environment. (“Plants and animals help us survive, biodiversity keeps us alive”).
Teachers and pupils are encouraged to plant a variety of plants and vegetables in our school poly-tunnel and school garden.
We have also planted native trees on our school grounds as part of the "Bugs, Bees & Native Trees" initiative.
St. Cremin's National School, Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath | Phone: 044 93 71122